Visit Seattle Parks Project

A self study on illustration, poster design, and placemaking for parks around the Greater Seattle Area.



April – June 2022
10 Weeks




Schoo/Self Study Project


Art Director
Graphic Designer


The Visit Seattle Parks project is a self exploration of illustration, visual layout, and environmental graphics. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I wanted to find a way to encourage new and long-time residents of the Greater Seattle area to get out and explore safe outdoor spaces like the local parks.

The Challenge

Invite new and local residents of the Greater Seattle Area to rediscover and explore local parks


Visit Seattle Parks Project started out as a poster design project for three parks: Discovery Park, Volunteer Park, and the Olympic Sculpture park. To start, I chose structures from the parks that help identify the park for others. I then sketched out various thumbnails for each poster design before bringing the designs into higher fidelity and adding typography. To add environmental graphics to the project, I took the elements I illustrated in fresco, and translated it into a window design.


Creative Brief

When deciding how to structure this project, I wrote and developed a creative brief to use as guidelines for the project. To make the project a little more realistic, I added a potential client and had my peers act as stakeholders and art directors to help guide my process.


To start, I picked three parks around Seattle that I felt could be identified with an attraction or monument in the park. I created several thumbnails, 15-25 per park, and selected one layout to sketch.

After sketching, I applied color and spacing, laying out the composition before adding detail and typography.

Discovery park

Volunteer park

Olympic Sculpture park

Volunteer Park

Olympic SculpTure Park